Our Top Reads In 2024


Note: This list is Mike Woodruff’s, Ben Dockery’s and Glenn Wishnew’s favorite books they read in 2024, many of which were not published this year. The recommender’s initials (MW, BD or GW) will be listed next to their selections.


Jonathan Gibson (352 pgs., Crossway)

Jonathan Haidt (400 pgs, Penguin Press)

Tim Keller (400 pgs,Viking)

James Davison Hunter (504 pgs, Yale University Press)

Doris Kearns Goodwin (496 Pages, Simon & Schuster)

Hartmut Rosa (140 pgs, Polity Press)

Eugene Peterson (224 pgs, IVP)

Neil Postman (208 pgs, Penguin)

Byung-Chul Han (72 pgs, Stanford University Press)



Fyodor Doestoyesky (565 pgs, Vintage Press)

C.S. Lewis (160 pgs, Harper One)

J.R.R. Tolkien (1536 pgs, Clarion Books)

Leo Tolstoy (896 pgs, Oxford University Press)


Christianity and Politics