Screwtape Does Politics
Glenn Wishnew Glenn Wishnew

Screwtape Does Politics

What temptations does this election season bring to our work and families? Ben Dockery offers a Screwtape-type letter so we can stay spiritually healthy in a contentious moment.

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On The News: Chapter 1
Glenn Wishnew Glenn Wishnew

On The News: Chapter 1

In a sneak preview of his upcoming book, Mike Woodruff explores the state of our news media: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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Screwtape Goes To Work
Glenn Wishnew Glenn Wishnew

Screwtape Goes To Work

Spiritual formation is alive and well in the workplace. This means your email box is a possible place for spiritual warfare. Take a Screwtape-style look at the topic.

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Lincoln: Three Parables
Glenn Wishnew Glenn Wishnew

Lincoln: Three Parables

Leo Tolstoy said that Abraham Lincoln “will live as long as the world lives.” What does Lincoln’s legacy teach us today?

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Working On Our Loneliness Problem
Benjamin Dockery Benjamin Dockery

Working On Our Loneliness Problem

Loneliness is more than a personal struggle. It's a social crisis. The smartphones in our hands, and the philosophies of our time push us toward isolation. And yet, there is a possible solution — from an unlikely source.

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Saturday Hope
Benjamin Dockery Benjamin Dockery

Saturday Hope

How can we trust God on Holy Saturday while Jesus is still buried in the tomb?

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Cracks: My Dad, Parkinson’s and the Hope of Christ
Glenn Wishnew Glenn Wishnew

Cracks: My Dad, Parkinson’s and the Hope of Christ

“While my subconscious hope that my dad would never die has been shattered, I have a deeper hope still.”

Associate Director Glenn Wishnew reflects on his dad’s Parkinson’s diagnosis, and applies Christianity’s consolation to existential crisis.

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On Light
Benjamin Dockery Benjamin Dockery

On Light

From the Genesis creation to the ultimate revelation, Light stands as a motif in Scripture. But what does Light signify?

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Lessons on Prayer from C.S. Lewis
Glenn Wishnew Glenn Wishnew

Lessons on Prayer from C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis was a spiritual giant. His writings continue to inspire millions from around the world.

Glenn Wishnew read just about everything Lewis wrote on prayer, and these are the lessons he took from Lewis' writings.

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Good Work (Part 2)
Benjamin Dockery Benjamin Dockery

Good Work (Part 2)

Employees are quiet quitting, loud quitting, and some are even striking. But yet others are thriving. Why?

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Good Work (Part 1)
Benjamin Dockery Benjamin Dockery

Good Work (Part 1)

Making sense of the world is not always easy. The Bible tells the story about God and His work in the world. At the beginning of the narrative, we find the invitation and calling on humans to imitate God by working. Work is introduced as a good thing, however, this is not always the orienting reality of our work lives. This month we look at part one of a Christian view of work with Executive Director, Ben Dockery.

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The Mountain and The Hill
Glenn Wishnew Glenn Wishnew

The Mountain and The Hill

Guest author and art history professor, Taylor Worley, shows the payoff gained by reflecting on a somewhat awkward image that makes a timeless point. Fixing your eyes on the cruciform Christ is a way for fear to be replaced by faith.

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