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  • The Democratic National Convention featured celebrities like Steve Kerr, Oprah Winfrey, the Obamas, along with a who’s who of prominent Democrats. Did it move the electoral needle? Some say yes. Others not so much.

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  • The Demographics of Harvard

    • Politics: An infamous 2023 survey of the Harvard Faculty by The Harvard Crimson found that 77% identified as “liberal” or “very liberal,” followed by 20% as “moderate,” and fewer than 3% as “conservative” or “very conservative.” A similar survey conducted by The Yale Daily News found that nearly 100% of political donations from Yale faculty went to Democrats in 2023. 

    • Religion: Harvard’s first year students’ most popular religion is Agnosticism, with Atheism coming in second place. In total, nearly half of Harvard’s first-years chose one of those two options when asked their religion. For comparison’s sake, about 12% of the general population identifies as atheist/agnostic. (source)

    • Sexual Identity: 38% of Brown students, 35% of Princeton students, 29% of Yale and Harvard students, and 21% of Cornell students identify as LGBT+ (source)

  • Nations & Their Work Ethic

    • The Southeast Asian Country Bhutan is the hardest working country in the world, with employees averaging 54 hours a week in 2022. (source)

    • Among countries in the OECD (typically economically developed), Colombia had the highest average hours per week at 46.5. (source)

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