A New Kind Of Time
Benjamin Dockery Benjamin Dockery

A New Kind Of Time

There is a time for everything, according to Ecclesiastes 3, but there is not enough time for everything. Peter Drucker advises leaders to ‘know thy time,’ which begins with a recorded examination of where one’s time goes. This article invites you to think with us for a few minutes about the knotty issue of time management and God’s design for finite creatures.

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Generational Tension In The Workplace
Benjamin Dockery Benjamin Dockery

Generational Tension In The Workplace

How can generational tensions be helpful in your workplace? One counterintuitive approach is not to solve them. Instead, think of tensions as organic checks and balances that provide an opportunity. It certainly takes wisdom to navigate the fault lines, but a multi-generational team can be a competitive advantage.

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How To Work Like An Ant
Benjamin Dockery Benjamin Dockery

How To Work Like An Ant

If you were asked to teach about the value of work – what would you say? What advice would you pass along? What book would you assign? Lakelight endeavors to reclaim a biblical view of work, and this article features instruction from Proverbs on how to work.

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When Are We?
Glenn Wishnew Glenn Wishnew

When Are We?

The Modern Wisdom Crisis and The Misson of Lakelight

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